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Company 17: Property, plant and equipment (PPE)

|Property, plant and equipment (PPE)|TEUR#152,758|Land|TEUR#20,365|Buildings|TEUR#55,330|Production and other equipment|TEUR#73,000|Property, plant and equipment under construction|TEUR#4,063
In TEUR20112010
Land 20.365 20.365
Buildings 55.330 57.843
Production and other equipment 73.000 77.844
Property, plant and equipment under construction 4.063 1.812
Total 152.758 157.864
Movements in property, plant and equipment in 2011
In TEURLandBuildingsProduction and other equipmentPPE under constructionTotal
Cost at 1 January 2011 20.365 152.255 415.888 1.812 590.320
Acquisition       14.548 14.548
Disposal, write-down     -8.538   -8.538
Transfer   964 11.333 -12.297 0
Cost at 31 December 2011 20.365 153.219 418.683 4.063 596.330
Accumulated depreciation at 1 Jan 2011 0 94.412 338.044 0 432.456
Disposal, write-down     -8.152   -8.152
Reposting to investment property         0
Depreciation expense   3.477 15.791   19.268
Accumulated depreciation at 31 Dec 2011 0 97.889 345.683 0 443.572
Carrying amount at 1 Jan 2011 20.365 57.843 77.844 1.812 157.864
Carrying amount at 31 Dec 2011 20.365 55.330 73.000 4.063 152.758
Movements in property, plant and equipment in 2010
In TEURLandBuildingsProduction and other equipmentPPE under constructionTotal
Cost at 1 January 2010 20.118 150.295 418.873 2.030 591.316
Acquisition       10.986 10.986
Disposal, write-down -8  -121 -11.853   -11.982
Transfer 255  2.081 8.868 -11.204 0
Cost at 31 December 2010 20.365 152.255 415.888 1.812 590.320
Accumulated depreciation at 1 Jan 2010 90.913 328.136 419.049
Disposal, write-down   -6 -10.949   -10.955
Reposting to investment property         0
Depreciation expense   3.505 20.857   24.362
Accumulated depreciation at 31 Dec 2010 0 94.412 338.044 0 432.456
Carrying amount at 1 Jan 2010 20.118 59.382 90.737 2.030 172.267
Carrying amount at 31 Dec 2010 20.365 57.843 77.844 1.812 157.864


In 2008, land was appraised on the basis of the fair value determined by an independent certified appraiser of real property. The effect of revaluation to fair value amounted to TEUR 7,455. The conditions leading to impairment were not established. In the following periods, assessments were carried out which showed that there was no need for a repeated revaluation. If land was measured at fair value, the book value would amount to TEUR 12,910.


An increase in the value of buildings in the amount of TEUR 964 is mainly due to the renovation of office and production buildings in the amount of TEUR 472, the installation of energy saving lighting in the amount of TEUR 175, and the landscaping around the warehouse for finished products in the amount of TEUR 135.

A decrease in the value of buildings is due to depreciation expense.

No real property has been pledged as security for liabilities from borrowings.  

Production and other equipment 

The increase in the value of equipment is due to capitalised technological equipment acquired and commissioned in 2011.  

In 2011, the reconstruction and upgrade of the production equipment were carried out in the amount of EUR 2.8 million, and of the test equipment in the amount of TEUR 629. Investments made in new tools amounted to EUR 5.5 million, in computed equipment to TEUR 288, and in servers for the SAP information system to TEUR 754. The modernisation of transport means was carried out in the amount of TEUR 683.

The decrease in the value of equipment is due to the sale of equipment, the disposal of obsolete equipment, and depreciation expense. 

In 2009, the appraisal of plant and equipment was carried out to determine their recoverable value. No conditions leading to impairment were established.

Property, plant and equipment under construction  

Property, plant and equipment under construction relate mainly to the equipment for production of the new generation of 10 kg washing machines and dryers.