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Company 21: Other non-current investments


Other non-current investments include non-current loans in the amount of TEUR 84 (31 Dec 2010: TEUR 489) and other non-current investments in the amount of TEUR 619 (31 Dec 2010: TEUR 676).

Regarding non-current investments, the Company is not exposed to higher financial risks as most of these investments are made in subsidiaries.

Movements in other non-current investments
In TEUR20112010
Opening balance at 1 January 676 690
Increase 0 28
Decrease -22 -42
Transfer to associates -35 0
Closing balance at 31 December 619 676
Movements in loans
In TEUR20112010
Opening balance at 1 January 489 1,083
Increase 0 0
Decrease -388 -353
Transfer to current investments -17 -241
Closing balance at 31 December 84 489
Loans by maturity
In TEUR20112010
Maturity from 1 to 2 years 84 367
Maturity from 2 to 3 years 0 0
Maturity from 3 to 4 years 0 0
Maturity from 4 to 5 years 0 0
Maturity over 5 years 0 122
Total 84 489

At the year-end 2011, no non-current loans were recorded, except housing loans under the Housing Act of 1991.

Breakdown of non-current loans to specific groups of persons

No non-current loans were granted to the Management Board members, the Supervisory Board members, and internal owners.