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Company 30: Provisions

In TEUR20112010
Provisions for warranties 13.170 13.603
Provisions for retirement benefits and jubilee premiums 11.899 11.894
Other provisions 1.158 1.900
Total 26.227 27.397
Movements in provisions in 2011
In TEURBalance 1 Jan 2011UseReversalCreationBalance 31 Dec 2011
Provisions for warranties 13.603 -8.013 -4.109 11.689 13.170
Provisions for retirement benefits and jubilee premiums 11.894 -704 -81 790 11.899
Other provisions 1.900 -60 -997 315 1.158
Total 27.397 -8.777 -5.187 12.794 26.227
Movements in provisions in 2010
In TEURBalance 1 Jan 2010UseReversalCreationBalance 31 Dec 2010
Provisions for warranties 12.707 -8.688 -869 10.453 13.603
Provisions for retirement benefits and jubilee premiums 11.458 -775 1.211 11.894
Other provisions 1.948 -112 -110 174 1.900
Total 26.113 -9.575 -979 11.838 27.397

Non-current provisions for warranties were created on the basis of estimated costs of warranties calculated by considering the historical data on the quality level of products and the costs of repairs under warranties. The actuarial calculation of estimated future payments of retirement benefits and jubilee premiums was made as at 31 December 2011. In 2011, provisions were created in the amount of TEUR 790 (2010: TEUR 1,211) and charged against current profit or loss. The amount of provisions results from a higher discount rate applied in the calculation of provisions (in 2011: 5.10%, in 2010: 4.9%) and a yearly increase in provisions for the existing employees. Other provisions include provisions for claims filed with the court.