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Company 34: Other current liabilities

In TEUR 20112010
Payables to employees 8.127 9.227
Payables to state and other institutions 1.048 1.082
Payables for advances received 251 5.802
Other payables 1.373 171
Accrued costs and expenses 6.199 5.459
Total 16.998 21.741

As at 31 December 2011, payables to employees include:

In TEUR 20112010
Wages and salaries, continued pay 4.755 5.880
Payroll contributions 1.367 1.389
Payroll taxes 732 748
Other work-related earnings 159 155
Deductions from wages and salaries 1.029 1.009
Other payables 85 46
Total 8.127 9.227

Accrued costs and expenses were created for accrued costs of services in the amount of TEUR 3,024 (2010: TEUR 3,425), accrued interest expenses on borrowings in the amount of TEUR 3,147 (2010: TEUR 624), and accrued costs of commercial discounts in the amount of TEUR 28.