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Company 39: Related party transactions

The transactions with related parties were conducted on the basis of sale/purchase contracts. The prices used in these contracts were the market prices of products and services equivalent to those prevailing in the arm's length transactions. The transactions with related parties were disclosed under the respective items in the statement of financial position.

Information on earnings

In 2011, the following personal earnings were paid to the groups of persons stated below:

Gross earnings in 2011
In TEURManagement BoardSupervisory BoardEmployees under individual employment agreements
- salaries 775 0 5.219
- incentive bonuses 0 0 476
- other income 145 0 537
- attendance fees 0 99 0
- refund of work-related expenses 0 43 0
Total 920 142 6.232
Net earnings in 2011
In TEURManagement BoardSupervisory BoardEmployees under individual employment agreements
- salaries 347 0 2.606
- incentive bonuses 0 0 226
- other income 103 0 416
- attendance fees 0 77 0
- refund of work-related expenses 0 34 0
Total 450 111 3.248
Gross earnings in 2010
In TEURManagement BoardSupervisory BoardEmployees under individual employment agreements
- salaries 952 0 5.047
- incentive bonuses 0 0 0
- other income 100 0 303
- attendance fees 0 64 0
- refund of work-related expenses 0 20 0
Total 1.052 84 5.350
Net earnings in 2010
In TEURManagement BoardSupervisory BoardEmployees under individual employment agreements
- salaries 420 0 2.551
- incentive bonuses 0 0 0
- other income 98 0 283
- attendance fees 0 49 0
- refund of work-related expenses 0 16 0
Total 518 65 2.834

Pursuant to the Companies Act, total payments, reimbursements, and other benefits to the Management Board members, the Supervisory Board members, and the members of the audit committee are shown below:

Management Board members

Gross earnings in 2011
In EURSalariesIncentive bonusesOther incomeTotal
Franc Bobinac 154.800 0 17.235 172.035
Franc Košec 49.600 0 78.985 128.585
Branko Apat 148.800 0 10.341 159.141
Uroš Marolt 148.800 0 18.369 167.169
Marko Mrzel 124.000 0 8.464 132.464
Drago Bahun 148.800 0 11.732 160.532
Total 774.800 0 145.126 919.926
Net earnings in 2011
In EURSalariesIncentive bonusesOther incomeTotal
Franc Bobinac 68.564 0 16.903 85.467
Franc Košec 22.058 0 38.991 61.049
Branko Apat 69.532 0 10.010 79.542
Uroš Marolt 65.193 0 18.037 83.230
Marko Mrzel 55.226 0 8.135 63.361
Drago Bahun 66.791 0 11.400 78.191
Total 347.364 0 103.476 450.840
Gross earnings in 2010
In EURSalariesIncentive bonusesOther incomeTotal
Franc Bobinac 169.554 0 20.739 190.293
Franc Košec 158.054 0 16.240 174.294
Branko Apat 157.268 0 11.201 168.469
Uroš Marolt 154.555 0 22.364 176.919
Mirjana Dimc Perko 155.555 0 16.203 171.758
Drago Bahun 156.983 0 12.989 169.972
Total 951.969 0 99.736 1.051.705
Net earnings in 2010
In EURSalariesIncentive bonusesOther incomeTotal
Franc Bobinac 73.384 0 20.387 93.771
Franc Košec 69.508 0 15.889 85.397
Branko Apat 72.892 0 10.851 83.743
Uroš Marolt 65.612 0 22.013 87.625
Mirjana Dimc Perko 68.380 0 15.852 84.232
Drago Bahun 69.835 0 12.638 82.473
Total 419.611 0 97.630 517.241

Supervisory Board members and the members of the Audit Committee

Gross earnings in 2011
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Uroš Slavinec 9.646 0 1.077 10.723
Maja Makovec Brenčič 9.702 0 1.303 11.005
Marcel Van Assen 9.246 0 14.839 24.085
Peter Kraljič 8.264 0 3.472 11.736
Keith Miles 10.742 0 13.781 24.523
Bernard C. Pasquier 10.011 0 1.958 11.969
Jure Slemenik 8.576 0 1.364 9.940
Drago Krenker 10.298 0 1.474 11.772
Krešimir Martinjak 9.176 0 1.364 10.540
Peter Kobal 9.246 0 1.364 10.610
Aleksander Igličar 4.282 0 537 4.819
Total 99.189 0 42.533 141.722
Net earnings in 2011
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Uroš Slavinec 7.476 0 983 8.459
Maja Makovec Brenčič 7.519 0 1.159 8.678
Marcel Van Assen 7.166 0 11.648 18.814
Peter Kraljič 6.405 0 2.839 9.244
Keith Miles 8.325 0 10.829 19.154
Bernard C. Pasquier 7.759 0 1.666 9.425
Jure Slemenik 6.646 0 1.206 7.852
Drago Krenker 7.981 0 1.291 9.272
Krešimir Martinjak 7.111 0 1.206 8.317
Peter Kobal 7.166 0 1.206 8.372
Aleksander Igličar 3.318 0 416 3.734
Total 76.872 0 34.449 111.321
Gross earnings in the period January-July 2010
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Jože Zagožen 4.725 0 403 5.128
Milan Podpečan 2.577 0 149 2.726
Peter Ješovnik 5.943 0 538 6.481
Andrej Presečnik 2.649 0 155 2.804
Gregor Sluga 4.511 0 479 4.990
Ivan Atelšek 3.294 0 149 3.443
Jure Slemenik 3.652 0 0 3.652
Drago Krenker 4.797 0 0 4.797
Krešimir Martinjak 3.007 0 0 3.007
Peter Kobal 3.652 0 0 3.652
Mateja Vrankar 573 0 0 573
Bachtiar Djalil 1.432 0 0 1.432
Andraž Grahek 1.432 0 0 1.432
Bogomir Kovač 573 0 0 573
Philip Alexander Sluiter 573 0 0 573
Total 43.390 0 1.873 45.263
Net earnings in the period January-July 2010
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Jože Zagožen 3.662 0 313 3.975
Milan Podpečan 1.998 0 115 2.113
Peter Ješovnik 4.606 0 417 5.023
Andrej Presečnik 2.053 0 120 2.173
Gregor Sluga 3.496 0 372 3.868
Ivan Atelšek 2.552 0 115 2.667
Jure Slemenik 2.830 0 0 2.830
Drago Krenker 3.718 0 0 3.718
Krešimir Martinjak 2.330 0 0 2.330
Peter Kobal 2.830 0 0 2.830
Mateja Vrankar 444 0 0 444
Bachtiar Djalil 1.110 0 0 1.110
Andraž Grahek 1.110 0 0 1.110
Bogomir Kovač 444 0 0 444
Philip Alexander Sluiter 444 0 0 444
Total 33.627 0 1.452 35.079
Gross earnings in the period August-December 2010
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Uroš Slavinec 1.432 0 278 1.710
Maja Makovec Brenčič 2.076 0 512 2.588
Marcel Van Assen 1.432 0 7.897 9.329
Peter Kraljič 1.432 0 3.673 5.105
Keith Miles 2.578 0 5.411 7.989
Bernard C. Pasquier 1.718 0 78 1.796
Jure Slemenik 1.790 0 0 1.790
Drago Krenker 2.936 0 163 3.099
Krešimir Martinjak 1.790 0 0 1.790
Peter Kobal 1.790 0 0 1.790
Aleksander Igličar 1.146 0 283 1.429
Total 20.120 0 18.295 38.415
Net earnings in the period August-December 2010
In EURMeeting attendance feesIncentive bonusesRefund of work-related expensesTotal
Uroš Slavinec 1.110 0 215 1.325
Maja Makovec Brenčič 1.609 0 397 2.006
Marcel Van Assen 1.110 0 6.121 7.231
Peter Kraljič 1.110 0 2.846 3.956
Keith Miles 1.998 0 4.194 6.192
Bernard C. Pasquier 1.332 0 60 1.392
Jure Slemenik 1.387 0 0 1.387
Drago Krenker 2.275 0 126 2.401
Krešimir Martinjak 1.387 0 0 1.387
Peter Kobal 1.387 0 0 1.387
Aleksander Igličar 888 0 219 1.107
Total 15.593 0 14.178 29.771

No non-current and current loans were extended to the Management Board members, the Supervisory Board members, and internal owners.