Members of the Management Board
Franjo Bobinac, President of the Management Board and CEO

- Appointed for a term from 18 July 2008 – 18 July 2013
- Holder of 2,096 Gorenje (GRVG) shares..
Franjo obtained a degree in international economic relations from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (1982). He completed his MBA studies at the Ecole Superieure de Commerce in Paris in 1982.
He began his career in Emo Celje, where he worked for three years. In 1986 he was employed by Gorenje Commerce as Assistant Export Director. In 1990 he was appointed Export Director in Gorenje Household Appliances, and one year later took on the position of Marketing Manager in the same company. From 1993 to 1998 he was Managing Director of Gorenje’s branch office in Paris. After Gorenje’s transformation into a public limited company in 1998, he became a member of the temporary Management Board of Gorenje, d.d. in charge of sales and marketing. In 2003 he was appointed President of the Management Board of Gorenje. He began his second term of office as President of the Management Board in 2008.
He has international experience in various business functions, and holds in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge. He occasionally lectures at the IEDC Bled School of Management and at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He is a guest lecturer at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School.
Franjo is a member of the Steering Committee of the CECED European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers, member of the supervisory boards of several reputable companies, member of the Management Board of the IEDC Bled School of Management and of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, member of the collegiate economic body of the University of Ljubljana, member of the Business Advisory Board at the Faculty of Economics (University of Ljubljana), and President of the Handball Association of Slovenia. He is also Vice-President of the Manager’s Association of Slovenia, and previously served a five-year term as President of the Association.
Marko Mrzel, Member of the Management Board

- In charge of Sales of Major and Small Appliances and of Finance and Economics
- Appointed on 3 March 2011 for a term lasting until 18 July 2013
- Not a holder of GRVG shares..
Marko graduated from the Technical Faculty of the University of Maribor (1995). Following his university study, he enrolled in MBA postgraduate studies in Radovljica under the patronage of the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, and obtained a Master’s degree in economics in 1999. After completing his traineeship at the Velenje Coal Mine, he was employed in the Finance Department of the Era trade company, and advanced to the position of Head of Wholesaling. In 2001 he was employed by the Gorenje Group as head of the complementary programme at the parent company. Two years later, Marko was appointed Director of Gorenje’s sales subsidiary in Belgrade. In March 2011 he took on the position Member of the Management Board in charge of Finance and Economics. As of 1 January 2012, he holds the position of Member of the Management Board in charge of Sales of Major and Small Appliances, as well as of Member of the Management Board in charge of Finance and Economics.
Branko Apat, Member of the Management Board

- In charge of Major Appliance Operations and Heating Equipment Operations and Sales.
- Appointed for a term from 18 July 2008 – 18 July 2013
- Holder of 626 GRVG shares.
Branko obtained a degree in foreign trade from the Faculty of Economics in Maribor (1984). In 1988 he completed a specialist study programme in marketing at the Chamber of Commerce in the USA. After his traineeship in Gorenje, he was employed as sales specialist for the so-called green programme. He continued his career as Export Director for the Near East. In 1988 he became Assistant Export Director for nonwhite goods, and was also in charge of marketing in South America. In 1990 he was appointed Purchasing Director, and three years later Marketing Director (1993). From 1999 until the end of 2009, he was Managing Director of the Gorenje Tiki company. In 2003 Branko was appointed Executive Director by the Management Board, responsible for coordinating the activities of companies in the Gorenje Group in the areas of heating systems, toolmaking and the manufacture of industrial equipment; from 2006 onward he was also responsible for Gorenje’s supplementary programme. In 2007 he was appointed for the first time to the Company’s Management Board. Until March 2009 he was responsible for complementary programmes, purchasing, and logistics, and afterwards for the Home Appliances Division. As of 1 January 2012 he is in charge of major appliances and heating equipment sales.
Uroš Marolt, Member of the Management Board

- In charge of Corporate Services and Kitchen Programme.
- Appointed for a term from 18 July 2008 to 18 July 2013
- Not a holder of GRVG shares.
Uroš obtained a degree in marketing from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana (1997). He is completing a Master’s programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Maribor. In 1996 and 1997 he was employed at MGA Nazarje as Senior Controller in the Controlling Department of MGA Nazarje (today BSH Nazarje). He began working for Gorenje in 1998 as a sales representative for the Russian market. In 2001 he took charge of commercial activities in Gorenje’s sales company in Poland, and was appointed Managing Director of the company in 2002. Three years later he became Director of Gorenje’s sales company in Austria. In 2007 he was appointed Member of the Management Board of Gorenje in charge of marketing and sales. From March 2009 until 1 January 2012, Uroš was Member of the Management Board in charge of the Home Interior Division.
Drago Bahun, Member of the Management Board

- Labour Director
- Appointed for a term from 18 July 2008 – 18 July 2013
- Holder of 9,032 GRVG shares.
Drago completed the study of sociology (majoring in human resources training) at the Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Journalism, University of Ljubljana (1979), followed by postgraduate studies in staffing at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. He began his career at the Mining and Energy Engineering State Combine in Velenje in 1979, where he headed the Department of Business System Organisation until the end of 1984. He has been employed at Gorenje since the beginning of 1985, when he was employed as Vice-chairman of the management committee of the composite organisation for the field of socio-economic relations. From 1987 to 1990 he was Member of the Management Board of Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati responsible for staffing, and from 1990 to 1997 held the post of Director of Human Resources and General Affairs. He was then a member of the temporary Management Board after the restructuring of the Company into a public limited company in 1997. The following year he began a five-year term as Labour Director and as Member of the Management Board in charge of Personnel, a position which he has held since 1 January 2012.