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Payments to Management and Supervisory Board Members

On 1st January 2011 all members of the Management Board signed new annexes to their employment contracts, in which their salaries were set at the amounts specified in the first annex adopted as a anti-crisis measure. 

Payments to Management and Supervisory Board members (additional disclosure is shown under Note 39 of the Financial/Accounting Report of Gorenje, d.d.)
in EURGross amountNet amount
Franjo Bobinac 172,035 190,293 249,346 85,467 93,771 120,805
Franc Košec 128,585 174,294 211,079 61,049 85,397 102,215
Branko Apat 159,141 168,469 199,015 79,542 83,743 97,675
Uroš Marolt 167,169 176,919 199,258 83,230 87,625 97,788
Marko Mrzel 132,464 - - 63,361 - -
Drago Bahun 160,532 169,972 201,861 78,191 82,473 97,054
Mirjana Dimc Perko - 171,758 195,985 - 84,232 95,278
Philip Alexander Sluiter - - 31,741 - - 23,806
Total Management Board 919,926 1,051,705 1,288,285 450,840 517,241 634,621
Uroš Slavinec 10,723 1,710 - 8,459 1,325 -
Maja Makovec Brenčič 11,005 2,588 - 8,678 2,006 -
Marcel Van Assen  24,085 9,329 - 18,814 7,231 -
Peter Kraljič 11,736 5,105 - 9,244 3,956 -
Keith Miles, FCA 24,523 7,989 - 19,154 6,192 -
Bernard C. Pasquier 11,969 1,796 - 9,425 1,392 -
Jurij Slemenik 9,940 5,442 4,825 7,852 4,217 3,739
Drago Krenker 11,772 7,896 6,173 9,272 6,119 4,764
Krešimir Martinjak 10,540 4,797 4,825 8,317 3,717 3,739
Peter Kobal 10,610 5,442 4,825 8,372 4,217 3,739
Aleksander Igličar 4,819 1,429 - 3,734 1,107 -
dr. Jože Zagožen - 5,128 5,930 - 3,975 4,596
Milan Podpečan - 2,726 6,716 - 2,113 5,204
mag. Peter Ješovnik - 6,481 7,157 - 5,023 5,547
Andrej Presečnik - 2,804 4,729 - 2,173 3,664
mag. Gregor Sluga - 4,990 7,257 - 3,868 5,547
Ivan Atelšek - 3,443 5,020 - 2,667 3,890
Mateja Vrankar - 573 - - 444 -
Bachtiar Djalil - 1,432 - - 1,110 -
Andraž Grahek - 1,432 - - 1,110 -
Bogomir Kovač - 573 - - 444 -
Philip Alexander Sluiter - 573 - - 444 -
Total Supervisory Board 141,722 83,678 57,457 111,321 64,850 44,429

On the basis of employment contracts concluded in 2008, the earnings of members of the Management Board are comprised of a fixed and a variable part. For the period from 1 November 2009 to 31 October 2010, all members of the Management Board signed annexes to their employment contracts, in which their salaries were reduced on average by 25 percent. The salary of the President of the Management Board was reduced by 35 percent with respect to the provisions of his employment contract. On 1 January 2011, all members of the Management Board signed new annexes to their employment contracts in which their salaries were set at the amounts specified in the first annex. Given the considerable reduction, the existing salaries are laid down by the annex in fixed form.

The Company has not adopted a stock option remuneration plan. For their work, the members of the Supervisory board are entitled to meeting attendance fees and the reimbursement of expenses for meeting attendance. So far, the General Meeting of Shareholders has not yet decided on additional payments to members of the Supervisory Board. Should the General Meeting adopt a resolution on additional payment for holding the office of member of the Supervisory Board, the costs thereof would be charged against the current operations of the Company.