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Volume of Business Activities of EES Division

#21.7 %|increase in revenues of Ecology, Energy and Services Division.
Revenue, EBIT, EBITDA and profit or loss for the period of the EES
in MEUR 20112010Q4 2011Q4 201020112010Q4 2011Q4 2010
Revenue 333,5 368,0 63,3 110,1 333,5 274,0 63,3 58,6
EBIT 5,4 6,3 0,5 -0,4 5,4 6,9 0,5 -0,1
EBITDA 11,2 12,8 1,9 1,3 11,2 13,0 1,9 1,3
Profit or loss for the period 2,8 3,7 -1,6 -2,3 2,8 4,7 -1,6 -0,8
Source: Data from Gorenje Group

The highest comparable growth of revenue in 2011 was achieved by the Ecology, Energy and Services Division with EUR 59.5 mio or 21.7 percent. This growth is a result of higher volume of operations of the Ecology segment, higher service fees and sale of coal at the holding company. Thus, the Division generated sales amounting to EUR 333.5 mio, while in terms of the statement of financial position (before the elimination of the Istrabenz Gorenje effects) its sales volume was by EUR 34.5 mio lower than the previous year's result.

Quarterly movement of revenue of the EES Division (in MEUR)
q1 82,9 118,5
q2 93,3 109,9
q3 81,7 41,9
q4 110,1 63,3
Year 368,0 333,5
Source: Data from Gorenje Group
Revenue of the EES Division by segments
Ecology 95,6 62,3 100,8 113,4
Energy 154,0 165,9 209,8 153,6
Services 36,2 45,7 57,4 66,5
Total EES Division 285,8 274,0 368,0 333,5
Source: Data from Gorenje Group