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Communication with Interested Parties

|In 2011 Slovenian media published#249|articles that discussed environmental issues in Gorenje.

In 2011 the Slovenian media published 5,311 contributions in which Gorenje was mentioned. Environmental issues were discussed in 249 reports, which accounts for 4.7 percent of all media reports in the past year.

Media report breakdown by percentage
Gorenje – other issues 95,3% (5.062)
Gorenje – environmental protection 4,7% (249)
Source: Data from Gorenje Group

The media reported most frequently on environmental issues in the month of October (122 contributions). In October the media reported extensively on a joint campaign involving the collection of waste white appliances, conducted by Gorenje Surovine and Zeos.

The environmental issues that received the most media attention in 2011 were Gorenje Surovina and Zeos (104 contributions), followed by reports on Zeos (40) and, in third place, reports on the companies Gorenje Surovina and Erico (28 reports).

Distribution of reports on environmental protection issues
 Distribution of reports
Gorenje Surovina, Zeos 41,77%
Zeos 16,06%
Erico 11,24%
Gorenje Surovina 11,24%
Gorenje Solar 9,64%
Energy efficient HA 6,43%
Ecology 3,62%
Source: Data from Gorenje Group

With regard to environmental protection issues, the media's reports on Gorenje were neutral. Some (8) positive reports were devoted to the campaigns of Gorenje's subsidiaries (Erico, Zeos, Gorenje Surovina).

No negative reports were found in 2011.

Listed below are the media that featured the most contributions related to environmental protection.

First 10 media establishments by number of reports
 Media establishments
RA City 95
Delo 25
Naš čas 17
RA Celje 16
Večer 15
RA Velenje 15
Finance 11
Dnevnik 8
RA SLO 1 7
TV SLO 1 5
Source: Data from Gorenje Group

Of all reports, 86 percent were featured by the above-listed media establishments.

In the past six years, the numbers of reports on environmental issues were distributed as follows:

Number of reports on environmental issues in the past six years
 Number of reports
2011 249
2010 205
2009 128
2008 115
2007 77
2006 84
Source: Data from Gorenje Group

In 2011, Gorenje, d.d. was addressed by nine groups or individuals seeking more information on environmental management. Most often they requested answers to various questionnaires and surveys. No complaints were received by Gorenje, d.d. in 2011 from the external public, while Gorenje I.P.C., d.o.o. received one complaint. The subject of the complaint was the disturbing operation of blowers in the Embalaža (packaging) Programme, which has been resolved.

The Gorenje Professional Fire Brigade took part in a drill organised by the Fire Brigade Command of the Municipality of the City of Velenje, and at a firefighting drill at the factory in Gorenje, d.o.o. Valjevo.

Meeting Legal and Other Requirements

Based on continuous following of legal and other requirements (emissions into water, emissions into air, noise, wastes, chemicals, energy sources, building construction, and protection against natural and other disasters) related to environmental protection, careful environmental assessment of company operations, results of environmental monitoring and results of inspections, we have assessed that the operations of the companies Gorenje, d.d. and Gorenje I.P.C., d.o.o. are in compliance with legal and other requirements laid down in the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS Regulation.

We meet the legally prescribed limit values for wastewaters, emissions into air, and noise that are specifically defined for our activities. No limit values are prescribed for the other areas listed above.

Both companies have obtained all the required environmental permits: Gorenje, d.d. has obtained, for the Velenje site, an integrated environmental permit for the operation of machinery that may cause major pollution, activity 2.6; for the operation of equipment for the surface treatment of metals using electrolytic and chemical processes with a total tub volume of 215.4 m3; the Rogatec plant has obtained an environmental permit for the release of industrial wastewaters and emissions into air; in 2011 its black paint shop obtained an extension of its entry in the register of VOC devices (volatile organic compounds) until 28 October 2016. Gorenje I.P.C., d.o.o., Velenje site, has obtained an environmental permit for the release of industrial wastewaters into the sewage system. The environmental permits specify the measures and requirements for the prevention of emissions into the environment, depending on the permit: measures for reduction of emissions, waste management, efficient use of energy, allowable emission limit values, requirements for operational monitoring and reporting, and the operating conditions to be met by the company in order to protect the environment.

In 2011 the operation of Gorenje, d.d. was verified on two occasions by the environmental inspection authority, which did not find any irregularities, and therefore no measures were required. There were no inspections conducted at Gorenje I.P.C., d.o.o.